DGL International was first established in Brazil, to play a leading role in the country export scene. Brazil is a major global producer of various commodities as sugar, soy, oil, fruits, as well as the extraction of minerals, metals and gas. Its understandable that Brazil has a export culture and trading is favorable with all parts of the world, specially with regions as Asia, Middle East, Africa and Europe.
Our company was founded as a truly international enterprise, as a matter of fact, since it's early concept, DGL International has received foreign investment capital, affirming our shareholders belief and trustfulness in DGL's ability to transform market potential in results.
This unique background allows DGL to be one step ahead regarding trading with foreign corporations, who can now feel understood in their needs and be clearly serviced in their own native languages, creating a valuable and lasting relationship with each customer.
In Brazil, our vast connections with other local companies, suppliers, cooperatives, business partners, trade associations, states and authorities, means that DGL understands and values all the diversity and opportunities available within the country, as part of our development plan is to benefit the Brazilian market with access to new trading partners while we achieve a sustainable growth.
We have surpassed many challenges while doing business in Brazil, and we are proud to offer the specialized structure we have built, thus bringing transparent solutions, with clear communication, becoming to our local and international customers their best trading partner.

Slogan: "Beyond Achievements"
Our slogan "Beyond Achievements" carries our unwavering will towards obtaining results that goes beyond the expectation of our customers.
It is our duty to overcome any challenges that might arise in the business execution processes, in order to accomplish our goals, delivering goods, completing projects and ensuring our customers satisfaction is at the highest level.
The slogan also expresses our strong confidence in how the company was created to generate growing results, our trust in the procedures created, in our management decisions, in our vision and values, and specially in all the employees and collaborators ability to deliver incredible results under any market conditions.
"DGL INTERNATIONAL provides a distinct and complete solution in trade, leading operations on all stages of procuring, commercializing and trading of goods, supported by our own financial structure."
Importing certain goods to Brazil has also become much easier to achieve, as DGL also offers a flexible combined structure along our logistical partners within Brazil. This direct relationship under DGL management, enables foreign and local customers willing to import to Brazil, to easily quote and understand in a simplified manner what will be the costs, legal requirements and documentations needed to allow the entrance of new products to the Brazilian domestic market.
Our integrated businesses maximizes results.
Farmers / Miners
Supplier / originator
Local warehouses and cooperatives
Logistics (Road and Rail)
Port / Customs
Maritime / Air freight
Exporting / Importing process
DGL uses its own solutions to cover all transaction stages.
We operate in every step from sourcing to importing / exporting.
Operational Control
Risk management
Importer / Exporter
All operational stages involving business partners, suppliers, manufacturers, cooperatives, logistics, customs and freight forwarders are directly managed and supervised by DGL International, under our corporate responsibility we provide a much needed extra security layer, as all operations are verified and tracked by our own internal compliance and audit team.
To maintain scalability, international competitiveness and be able to promptly assess goods quality and origin control, we work only with verified local grains and metals originators, ensuring that each product sourced is fully traceable.
Licensed Exporter

With DGL International, worldwide customers will benefit from a "one company handles all" solution, counting on our business expertise, security and structured network to arrange, operate, support and manage the most complex import and export operations.
In order to solve the most recurring issues with international trade operations (the presence of multiple parties, usually located continents apart, and that do not communicate clearly nor have the proper operational capability to do complex operations as commodity exportation), we at DGL focused on leveraging our understanding of foreign importing customers and taking the leading position of being the exporter merchant, by becoming a fully licensed corporation that is able to operate internationally and under a variety of products types including agricultural, food resources, cosmetic products and even metals.